School Development Plan 2024-2025
School Action Plan 2024/25
Areas for Development
The Action Plan was written for September 2024 and focuses on the areas of development identified at the end of the previous academic year. The Action plan will be reviewed and updated termly.
Quality of Education
To further develop assessment across the foundation curriculum
To increase the % of children achieving above expected levels of attainment in English & Maths
To increase the % of children reaching GLD, and the expected level in Maths & Literacy
To increase the % of children passing the Year 1 Phonics Screening
To increase the attainment for Pupil Premium children, closing the gap with non PP peers
Leadership and Management
To further develop the role of curriculum leaders to ensure high quality curriculum provision and outcomes across the school
Develop SEND provision across the school.
Develop Governor knowledge and understanding of the curriculum
Personal Development
SIAMS – Embed opportunities for spontaneous prayer & reflection. Further develop prayer spaces in classrooms. Begin to develop outside prayer spaces.
SIAMS – To develop a shared understanding of Spiritual Development
Behaviour & Attitudes
Increase whole school attendance
To increase attendance for Pupil Premium children
To decrease the % of Persistent Absence
Implement ‘Therapeutic Thinking’ approach across the school