Five Ways to Wellbeing
At St Mary's, we are committed to enhancing the well-being of all members of our school community.
One way we are doing this is by promoting the 'Five Ways to Well-being'.
What are the Five Ways to Wellbeing?
The Five Ways to Wellbeing Framework was developed by the New Economics Foundation as a set of five evidence based actions that promote wellbeing. Based on the latest scientific evidence the simple actions, if taken regularly, can improve wellbeing and enhance quality of life.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing are to:
Connect – connecting with others
Give – giving – looking outward as well as inward
Be active – doing something active
Take Notice – taking notice of the world around you
Keep Learning – learning new things Each action can be undertaken individually or collectively as part of everyday activity.
The Five Ways to Wellbeing may help young people:
Make the most of opportunities and deal with stressful situations by taking time out and learning how to cope when things get tough.
Increase their interpersonal skills, empathy and communication skills through giving and seeing themselves as part of the wider community.
Increase their chances of employability and self-worth by taking notice of what they are good at and what they have to offer others.
We celebrated SCARF day on Friday 11th February in aid of Children's Mental Health Week
Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship
Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship