Diamond Class

Welcome to Diamond Class

Come inside and have a look around.

Our teacher is Miss Baker
and Mrs Chapman is our teaching assistant.

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome back to the new academic year!

We would like to welcome the children back after their summer break.
We are looking forward to beginning an exciting year together in Year 1! 

We have a busy term ahead and lots to look forward to! 

We will be celebrating harvest festival and are looking forward to our class assembly on Friday 8th November.

There are a lot of new routines that your child will be getting used to over the next few weeks. Please help them by ensuring that they have the correct equipment on the right day and ensure all items of uniform are labelled.

It is really important you read with your child every day. Please ensure this is recorded in their reading record.  

Starting the week commencing 23rd September the children will be bringing home spellings to learn each Monday, please encourage your child to complete the practice sheet and return it to school the following Monday.

In addition, each week the children have a word of the week to learn to read and spell.  Please help your child with this i.e. practicing writing the word, spotting the word in their reading book and in other books you may read together.  

Our history topic this term will be Nurturing Nurses. We will be learning all about the  life and work of three famous nurses – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. 

Our Geography topic this term will be Our School. We will be learning about where our school is situated within the local area, looking at aerial photographs and creating aerial plans of our school site. 

In Science we will be learning about animals including humans.
We may need your help to collect resources so please keep an eye on Class Dojo for messages about this.

Please speak to us at the classroom door or send us a message on Class Dojo if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support
Miss Baker and Mrs Chapman

To view our story time videos please click below

Video (1).mov

Summer Term 2024

It’s going to be a busy term in Amethyst Class! We have lots to learn and explore! 

As well as continuing our focus on Phonics, English and Maths, we will be starting our new topic in Geography called ‘Our Country’.  We will be learning all about the United Kingdom and the countries that make up our island. 

In Science, we will be starting our new topic about Plants.  We will be planting our own beans and recording how they grow. We will also be looking at wild plants, garden plants and learning about different types of trees.

After half term our History topic will be Great Explorers – we will be learning about some of history’s well known and some less well known, but equally great Explorers.

We are also really looking forward to our trip to Whipsnade Zoo! 

Please continue to support your child with their reading, spellings and the Word of the Week.  Practice at home has a huge impact on the progress they make in school.

Please come and see us if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support.

Spring Term 2024

Our Geography topic will focus on Stotfold! We will be going on an interesting walk around the town and will be looking at key landmarks such as the shops, the church and the park.  We will also view all the road signs and discuss what they mean.  We will be thinking about the features of the town and ideas for improvement.

After half term we will be starting our History topic on the Great Fire of London.  The children will learn all about how the fire started, why it spread so quickly and how London was rebuilt following the Great Fire. We will also be re-creating our own Great Fire on the playground!

In Science, our topic this term is materials and the children will be learning to identify and describe the properties of a range of different materials. In DT, we will continue our learning of materials by designing our own vehicle using wheels and axles in our mechanisms unit. Whilst in Art we are exploring colour mixing through painting!

Each Monday the children will bring home new spellings to learn for their spelling test every Monday. Please encourage them to complete the practise sheet and return to school the following Monday as it really has a positive impact on the children remembering and retaining their spellings.

In addition, please encourage your child to read their phonics book every night and record this in their purple reading record. This will build their confidence with reading from a young age. Don’t forget to colour in a star each time to earn a special sticker!

Please come and see us if you have any questions.

Class Assembly planned for Wednesday 28th February

Suggested Reading for KS1 Years