Communication with Parents
A close and happy relationship between home and school is essential in supporting a child's educational experiences and progress. Parents are encouraged to contact the Head Teacher or appropriate member of staff if a problem occurs or advice is needed. We, in turn, will be in touch whenever the need arises. Even if the problem seems trivial but is upsetting your child, please let us know.
Should you wish to speak to the Head Teacher or a member of staff on a matter taking more than a few moments, it is advisable to make an appointment for after school to ensure that he/she is free of any other pressing commitments.
A Pre-School Evening meeting is held in the Autumn Term, and two Parent/Teacher Consultation Evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring Terms each year. There are frequent special evenings and events.
All parents receive a written report at the end of each school year which will indicate children's progress in all areas of the curriculum.
Parents are invited to contribute to the School Review and Development process each Summer via a questionnaire.
We have Parentmail facility whereby news bulletins are forwarded to parents electronically.