Opal Class
Welcome to Opal Class
We are a class of Year 3 children.
Our teacher is Miss Carter-Lewis
Mrs White and Miss Houghton are our teaching assistants.
Spring Term 2025
Spring term is another busy term with plenty to do.
In Geography, we will be finding out about Spain and then in the second half term we will be doing a new topic in History based on Letchworth Garden City. We will be learning about Forces and Magnets in Science.
In Art, we will be looking at 3D sculptures and in French we are learning about Ice-creams and finishing with a French afternoon experiencing some French culture!
After half term - we will be starting our swimming lessons at Saxon Pool, Biggleswade.
Times Tables tests will be on a Monday.
Spelling tests and new spellings are given out on a Tuesday.
For Homework please continue to practice on Times Table Rockstars and Spelling Shed.
Please also remember to hear your child read on a regular basis - orange reading record books need to be handed in every Tuesday.
Autumn Term 2024
We would like to welcome the children back after the summer break!
We are looking forward to working with our new classes. As always we have a busy term ahead of us with lots going on.
This term we will be learning about Whitby in Geography, the Stone Age in History and
rocks, soils and fossils along with light in Science amongst many other things.
Our classes will also be visiting Hazard Alley Safety Centre on Wednesday 27th November.
Opal Class have PE on Thursday and Friday.
Please make sure your child comes to school in correct PE Kit on these days. We will advise you if they need warmer clothes later in the term.
Spellings will be tested every week on a Tuesday.
Times Tables will be tested every week on a Monday.
Both classes will have their own class assemblies this term alongside the harvest festival celebrations.
Our class Assembly is on Friday 18th October.
Finally, our term will finish, as always, with the many delights that come with Christmas.
Summer Term 2024
It’s going to be another busy term ahead of us in Year 3!
As well as our usual focus on English, Spellings and Maths, we will be continuing our History topic on Romans and learning about life in Britain during the Roman occupation. We will also be starting our Geography topic about Rivers, where they start and end and their uses, focusing specifically on the River Nile in Egypt.
In Science, we will be continuing our learning about plants and animals. We will be investigating the way in which water is transported within plants and understanding the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering parts. Our focus on animals will include the importance of nutrition for animals and humans and a closer look at skeletons and muscle groups.
We are also looking forward to our swimming lessons and African Drumming sessions this term! At the beginning of May we are looking forward to our whole school trip to Whispnade Zoo, not to mention Sports Week and our traditional Fun Day to celebrate the end of the school year!