
Our Curriculum

The curriculum offer at St. Mary’s is ever evolving and changing to meet the needs of the children we serve.

We comply with our duties regarding:

to ensure our curriculum is accessible for all including those with disabilities or special educational needs.

Each subject is taught to cover the requirements of the National Curriculum (2014). We firmly believe that a curriculum needs rigour and it needs to be progressive in terms of coverage, knowledge and skill development. We also have a responsibility to ensure children are prepared to leave us at the end of Year 4 with the knowledge and learning to allow them to successfully transition into the next phase of their education.

Our intention is that we will teach a well-planned, structured curriculum that ensures children’s learning is built on effectively, year on year.

We aim to provide a stimulating and purposeful atmosphere in which skills and knowledge can be acquired and to present a curriculum which:

We also place great importance on the development of our children’s social, emotional and physical development.

We provide opportunities for staff and children to enrich their learning through offering trips, visits, clubs, visitors and experiences outside the National Curriculum.

Curriculum Overview Summer 2024.pdf
Curriculum Overview Spring 2024.pdf
Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 2023.pdf