
Managing Medicines in School

Your child’s health and safety is extremely important to us and to aid this it is essential that parents and school staff work together to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Medical Conditions

It is important that St Mary’s Academy is aware of any and all medical conditions that may affect your child during the school day.  This includes information on allergies, hearing and/or sight impairments, dietary intolerance etc.

Please complete the Medical Information Forms available from the office, if any of the above applies to your child.

Infections in School

Infections in school age children are common. However, not all infectious diseases are contagious i.e. Eczema/Dermatitis.

If you discover that your child has an infectious disease i.e. Chicken Pox please let the school know immediately.
This is especially important as this may seriously affect some of our other children.

Please keep your child away from school until he/she is clear of infection and confirm with your GP
when your child is fit to return to school.

Head Lice is a recurring infection in the school. This can be controlled if parents/carers check their child/ren’s hair and scalp regularly (paying particular attention to the hair at the back of the neck and around the ears) and treat immediately where necessary.

Sickness and Diarrhoea in School

In line with Government guidelines we request 48 hours clear absence from school following sickness and diarrhoea
to safeguard all children, our staff and their families.

First Aid

From time to time minor incidents such as cuts and abrasions from falls etc. will occur.

The school staff will deal with these by cleaning the cut with saline/antiseptic wipes and if necessary applying a plaster.
Please advise us if your child/ren has an allergy to certain plasters.

Parents are informed via an Incident Slip of any incidents that may have occurred during the school day requiring First Aid.  We would ask that parents/carers check and monitor any wounds when their child returns home from school.

In the case of a child becoming ill at school, parents/carers will be contacted.
You will also be notified if your child has any fall involving a bang on the head.

Please ensure we always have the most up to date contact information to help us notify you.

Administration of Medicines

You are required to complete the Specific Medicine Form detailing any relevant medical information (i.e. Antibiotics) that may affect your child while at school.

You are also responsible for dropping off and collecting the said medicines to the school office each day as required.
All medicines should be in the original packaging, in date and labelled by the pharmacist with your child’s name and dosage details.

Prescribed medication will only be administered in school time at the Headteacher’s discretion.
Where a dose is required three/four times a day this should be encouraged to be given outside of school hours if the child is well enough to be in school.

Under no circumstances will non-prescribed oral medicine or tablets be administered by the school staff.

Children are not permitted to keep medication in their own possession (including cough sweets, cold-sore creams, inhalers etc.)

Asthma and Inhalers

Where children require medication for asthma and/or have a prescribed inhaler you are required to complete the Asthma Record Form detailing all relevant information that may affect your child while at school (i.e. triggers, dose, able to self-administer etc.)

Life Threatening and Long Term Conditions

In the event of a child needing to take vital medicines whilst in the care of the school, parents/carers and where necessary their child’s Health Professional are required to work with the school staff to develop an Individual Healthcare Plan that follows the child through the school years and provides all crucial information relating to the illness/condition.

Parents/carers remain responsible for ensuring that adequate supplies of in date medicines are available.
The medicine will be kept out of reach of all pupils in the school.

Changes in prescribed medication and/or dosage should be notified immediately to the school with clear written instructions of the procedure to be followed in storing and administering any new medication.


Medical Appointments

Where possible please make medical appointments out of school hours or during the holidays. We understand that this is not always possible but appointments during school time cause disruption to learning, the class and school.  In the case of an appointment in school hours please provide copy appointment confirmation details to the school office prior to the appointment time and notify your child’s teacher and the office at your earliest convenience.

If you require any further information please contact the school office.

A-Z of childhood illnesses - click here