School Hours

The school day is divided into two sessions, as follows:

Morning Session

Foundation Stage: 8:50am - 12:00 noon

Key Stage 1: 8:50am - 12:15pm

Key Stage 2:  8:50am - 12:30pm

Afternoon Session

Foundation Stage: 1:10pm - 3:20pm

Key Stage 1: 1:15pm - 3:20pm

Key Stage 2: 1:30pm - 3:20pm

School is open for 32.5 hours per week.

The morning break is 20 minutes from 10:20am

The total amount of time spent on teaching during the normal school week is 23 hours 10 minutes for Key Stage 1 children and
24 hours 25 minutes for Key Stage 2 children.
This does not include the time for registration, collective worship, breaks or lunch time.