Emerald Class

Welcome to Emerald Class

Come inside and have a look around.

Our teacher is Mrs Welch
Mrs Warren and Miss Houghton are our teaching assistants.

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome back to the new academic year!

We are looking forward to getting to know you and working together so that we have a very exciting and productive year. We hope that your child enjoys the new challenges and experiences that Year 2 has to offer!

Year 2 is an important year for learning. The children are expected to become more independent readers, writers and mathematicians as the year advances. The Year 2 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Year 1 and they will continue to learn through exciting topics so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. 

Our topic in Geography is My World and Me.
We will be finding out about the 7 continents and 5 oceans of the world and drawing simple map and keys. We will be compare cities in the UK and Ecuador and finding out where different animals live in the world.

In History, we will be learning about the Gunpowder Plot.
Finding out about the events at the time and its long term impact on our country.

In Science, we will be looking at Materials.
We will be:

We are working on the progression of our scientific key skills and knowledge through:


Use simple equipment to observe closely.


Ask simple questions and recognise that they can be answered in different ways including use of scientific language.

Classifying and comparing

Identify, group and classify using in a range of tables and diagrams.


Take simple measurements using non-standard units.

Gathering Data

Gather and record data to help in answering questions.

Summer Term 2024

We have another very busy term ahead of us in Year 2.  Summer term is always exciting, with hopefully warmer weather to help us enjoy it!


Our Geography Topic is ‘Let’s go on Safari’. We will be investigating Kenya in detail and finding out about their National Parks and Game Reserves. This fits in perfectly with the exciting trip to Whipsnade we have planned for early May.

After half term, in History we will be finding out about our local area. We will be looking at local landmarks, noticing things that have changed and things which have stayed the same.

In science we will be:

*Focussing on the growth and survival of humans and other animals.

*Investigating and describing the stages in plant development.

Year 2 will be involved in ‘Project Touchline’.  This is a six week programme which integrates PE with RE.  This is something new to us and we are looking forward to seeing it in action.

We are also planning lots of exciting activities for Creative Arts Week which will take place the week beginning May 20th.  This is always an exciting week in class!

In June we will have our final inter-class PE event.  This time it will be cricket.  Then in July we look forward to participating in our annual ‘Sports Week’. 

Spring Term 2024

In Geography we are learning all about seas and coasts. We will be looking at the physical and human features of British coasts and beaches and further investigating the oceans and continents of the world.

After half term our History topic is British Kings and Queens. We will be learning about monarchs in the past and present.

In Science this term, we will be learning about living things and their habitats.
We will be:

We are learning to work scientifically by:

-   Asking simple questions

-   Suggesting methods of investigation

-   Examining objects carefully

-   Setting up simple tests

-   Drawing and labeling diagrams

-   Answering questions using data

In art, we are going to be using clay to make sculptures.  We will be creating structures using various materials. 

In March we are looking forward to a visit from the fire brigade to learn about fire safety.  

Suggested Reading for KS1 Years